Navy Dads

We got a call from our son yesterday. He seemed to be doing okay but said he was extremely tired not being able to sleep well. He also said that he likes his RDC but that the division was getting some infractions and some IT. All in all his spirits seemed up and he seemed excited. We are a little worried because they told him that they needed to pull his wisdom teeth and he would need a couple days recovery. I hope the Navy dentists are good at what they do! The other thing he talked about was the peanut butter shot...He said it was pretty rough. He has been receiving our letters and asked that we keep them coming. He was going to write us a letter today, can't wait to get it. It was great to finally hear his voice and know that he is doing okay. We are really looking forward to PIR on September 19th and hoping he will get some decent liberty so we can spend some quality time with him.

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as an FYI- about everyone has their wisdom teeth pulled...better to do so at Great Lakes than when at sea and 1000 miles from the nearest port...........

Hi Mark. What the recruits don't know is that no matter how squared away a division is, no matter how perfect, their going to get infractions. It's just part of the training and conditioning to get them to begin to think twice and as a team. Try to let him know it's not personal at all.
And yup, the wisdom teeth thing kind of stinks. I had all four of mine pulled and got a bed chit for the rest of the day. He's in as good hands as any Civilian dentist or doctor in the real world.
Best of luck

Mark, we are headed up for our son's PIR in a few days, the 15th of August. I'll fill you in on the liberty but I think it's a daily thing. I think we'll meet him about 3:30 on Friday and have to get him back by 9:30. Saturday will be probably more time but he'll have to return that evening. I'm not sure yet but this is the information I have gathered on this site. I'll post next week to you and let you know how it all went. Good luck!

Hey Tom, 

Please do let me know how it goes. I think liberty depends on if they are staying at Great Lakes for A-School or flying out. But then again I am not sure. There is allot of conflicting information out there. Whatever liberty he gets we will make the most of it as I am sure you will as well. But do let me know what happens. All the best to you, your son, and your family. God Bless.


You are correct Mark, Nick is staying there for A school so there is a difference. I'll keep you posted anyway. It seemed like it took forever to get here, leaving in a few days to see him; yet, the time flew by especially these past few weeks. As his phone calls progressed, you could hear him gaining strength with each one. A little less emotion as they came. Now he talks like a

We have had only one phone call thus far and although he sounded a little concerned he mostly sounded in good spirits.

Just so you know, we live in Chicago (southwest burbs) so if there is anything that you need or anyway I can help you please do not hesitate to ask. Once again all the best. 


I'll let you know for sure and I appreciate the kind gesture. We are staying at the Navy Lodge which is very close to the base from what I can tell. We live in St. Louis so it's only a 5-6 hour drive which will be nice during his A school as his brother and I will do some road trips to visit with him. He has another six months of C school after that but we don't know where it will be. He's in the advanced electronics and computer field which is a ton of training. If it's all in Chicago, perhaps we can meet and have dinner or lunch during one of our trips to the great white north! I say that literally because it will be winter by the time he finishes A school and holy cow is it cold at the Great Lakes during winter! Thanks Mark!


Hey Tom,

That sounds great. Maybe we could grab a pizza or something. It is awesome that you are that close to Great Lakes. My son is either going to Monterey or Pensacola for A-School. He is studying to be a CTI which is pretty exciting but also allot of school. We could do the drive to Florida but no way I would drive to Cali. too far. Looks like I will be building up those United miles. Yea it gets cold in doubt, heck it is kind of cold now and it is August? Once again many blessings to you and your family.


yep same here Son's got pulled too in BC this is common.

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