Navy Dads

Well today has been a heck of a day. The first weekend with out our son. My wife breaks down, I break down for the first time, my oldest daughter breaks down. I guess we just have to kids left. Instead they are just isolating themselves from everyone. Never realized it was going to be this hard. But we are so proud of our Son and his decision.

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Hey Scott,  we've been through the same thing. One thing that helped us was writing to our son every day. We including sports news/magazine clippings from his favorite sports teams to help him with his home sickness too. I think several families go through this, but it will get better over time. Hope this helps and good luck to you and your family. Thank your son for his commitment to serve our country.

I have been writing everyday and jut setting them aside waiting on my letter. We recieved the box Friday so I'm hoping I will get the letter next week. I will just continue to write him and send them all out when I get the address.

I agree with other responses. Hang in there - it'll get better. This was our 2nd weekend without our son (who was a real 'home body'). First weekend was tough. But yesterday, mom got a call from him. He was very happy and loving it, so now is 'all right with the world' (or at least as right as it can get). LOL  So, hang in there - when I get down, I try to focus on the positives for my son, and I also try to focus on the trip up to see PIR and what we'll do with him while on Liberty. That tends to take away some of the 'no so happy' thoughts. :-)

Hey Scott,

My wife and I know what your family is going through. Our youngest and only son left for basic the 22nd. Being in the Army myself I know its hard but for some reason it was harder to see him leave them for me to leave. And yes my wife and I also break down. Just know you are not alone in this you have us to talk to and bounce things off of.

Hi Scott, I am in the same place as you. My son even though he is 23, just left a couple days ago. I thought the stress would be over once he left but now that he is there and I can't write yet or talk to him all I think about is how he is doing. As a dad even at 23 he is my baby. I have been fighting the nerves but like some of the others stated, once I get a letter from him and have his address I will write every day. Just waiting for his first letter to let me know he is fine (I'm sure he is). Hang in there! We are in this together.


Rick it is getting better. Got the form letter yesterday it had a couple extra words that said "I Love ya'll" and that eased my nerves, because I know when he wrote that he was starting his second week and the first week had to of gone well. Now just waiting on a letter with some detail on how everything is going for him. But now that I am able to send letters and book all our reservations I feel way better.

Scott - My son and I drove from NC to San Diego in July. It was a great bonding experience, but when he dropped me off at the airport, I lost it. Everyone loses it. You love them and are proud of them, but at the same time there is trepidation about the future. I don't know if missing them ever gets easier, but I've decided to let the pride of what he is doing take the center stage. You can't stop the tears, but you can end it with a smile knowing they are embarking on a journey bigger than themselves and will grow tremendously because of it.

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