Navy Dads

My daughter starts Boot Camp September 9. We are so proud of her!!!

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Any one know how to find out when she graduates?
She goes to recruiter, today. They fly out 8th. We are from Bay Area California. Thanks for getting back! This is all new to me.
Same here, our prayers go out to all the Sailors & Families!
Thanks for the information. We will definitely be looking forward to receiving the letter!
Same here, our Daughter is our only child. Yesterday dropped her off. But today we got to be there when she was sworn in. Took pictures, it was great!
Sounds good, he will be happy you guys showed up. There are a lot of new recruits by themselves. It means a lot to have someone there. Keep in touch.
Our son ships out tomorrow also (9th), dropping him off at the hotel in a couple of hours. We are in south New Jersey. A lot of goodbyes and tears shed today, but couldn't be prouder of him and his choice to serve. We have no idea what to expect and are getting information here and there. I found this site last night and already appreciate all of the information. Nervous for him, but know this is a great path for him.
We agree couldn't be prouder of our children choosing to serve in the Navy!! FYI you're allowed to be there when they get sworn in. It will mean a lot when he sees you there. Take your camera. Our prayers are with all parents & new recruits.
Thank you Joseph, I didn't realize this. I'll get the details from him so we can be there.
He's going out of Fort Dix tomorrow.

For what it's worth, your experiences of the last few days are exactly what ours were, during the last week of August.  I left my heart in the hotel parking lot the night before my son shipped out.  We found the waiting to be the hardest part.  Fortunately, when the recruits arrive at RTC, they get busy pretty fast. Your son is going to be OK, and you will too.  He has chosen a great path, filled with oppportunities.  Best of luck to you all.

Thank you to everyone for their kind words and advice. Without your advice we would never have known to ask about seeing him today. We were able to attend the swearing in ceremony and spend some more precious time with him. He was so appreciative that we were there. He's in the air now and due to land in Chicago in just under an hour. The journey has begun...

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