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In ship11 division 327

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I'm not real good with email but thank you for that information. I write everyday . And my daughter said in her letter to send picture it will remind her of home.

 Hello Mr. Acosta, Congratulations on your son joining the U S Navy. My some joined as well. Is there anyway way you can give me the information on the email service? I would greatly appreciate it if you can. Again congratulations and have a great day!

Raul Borrego Jr.

The mail services is what made me comfortable about this is that it is a non-profit organization and that it is very cheap.  I'm very eager to start using this as soon as I get his mailing address.  Good Luck


We received our box and form letter from our daughter about a week or 10 days after she arrived at boot camp.  Good luck to your son.  I am sure he will do well.  I, and I am sure, all of the other Navy dads, are rooting for him!  Write him a lot.  Be supportive in your letters.  It will help keep his spirits up.

Our daughter is on Ship 12 Division 299.  She has a PIR date of September 2nd.  We just made our hotel reservations yesterday.  9 More days!

My son just left today.


It was hard for me when my son left, everything reminded me of him and I could not sleep. I even started second guessing my parenting, this was making the situation worse and I had to think positively. I watched the video in the boot camp group of what happens to them when they get there and it made me feel better. My son left a week ago and I already got his box, and the address was hand written so it was like his first letter to us. Good luck with your son!

Thank you for your encouragement. Good luck to your family too!

Carlos Acosta said:


It was hard for me when my son left, everything reminded me of him and I could not sleep. I even started second guessing my parenting, this was making the situation worse and I had to think positively. I watched the video in the boot camp group of what happens to them when they get there and it made me feel better. My son left a week ago and I already got his box, and the address was hand written so it was like his first letter to us. Good luck with your son!

My daughter is going on her 3rd week.  She is in DIV 948 and is expected to graduate on 10/7.  We have already made hotel reservation and are looking into plane tickets.  We cant wait to see her and hear her voice.  We haven't received any call or mail from her since the 1st night.  Between her mother, her stepmother and myself we send her a letter every day.  My wife had read somewhere that they look forward to letters from home because it helps with the homesick.  It has helped me as well.

Update:  My wife talked to my ex-wife tonight....  Amanda called her tonight.  The first official call since she went into boot camp.  She said she sounded good but was congested.  Amanda said she didn't want to go see the Dr. for it because she didn't want to be held back.  She said she had received our letters and to keep them coming.  She also wanted us to send her some stamps.  She said she went to church and really enjoyed it and she is singing in the choir.  That's my baby girl she loves to sing.  We were a little disappointed that we didn't get a call but glad that someone did.  Maybe next time.  She said she would probably get to call again in 3 weeks but I hope she gets to call sooner.  She said she sent out some letters and we should get them soon.  I cant wait to hear from her!

Alvin Moore said:

My daughter is going on her 3rd week.  She is in DIV 948 and is expected to graduate on 10/7.  We have already made hotel reservation and are looking into plane tickets.  We cant wait to see her and hear her voice.  We haven't received any call or mail from her since the 1st night.  Between her mother, her stepmother and myself we send her a letter every day.  My wife had read somewhere that they look forward to letters from home because it helps with the homesick.  It has helped me as well.

Since she is only in her 3rd week and you are looking to get  plane reservations, I would give you a word of caution on my experience with our sons PIR. You have to take into account that she may have possible setbacks though no one wants that to happen. What that does is that she would be set back and not graduate on the date you were given. I say this from experience, our son was going to beat the tar out of the PFA he thought no way would he be left back. We went ahead and got the airline tickets EARLY and we waited for the progress and letters our son would send home. We were dismayed that he did not pass the run before graduation or the prone swim before graduation in fact he was set back at one point because a classmate of his fainted just before he was getting ready to cross the finish line. Guess what? the WHOLE class was not passed because of one. So when we got those tickets we DID not get the REFUNDABLE ticket, they are a little more expensive but based on your timing it would be in your best interest to get that type of ticket. There are things that can cause the pir to be held off or pushed ahead by the Navy, the whole key is to pass all the pfa before Battle Station, if you don not you get put into a class called "FIT" there they will push you on what you failed until you do pass. In the meantime as what happened to us we did not know if and when he passed or not and the ticket we had were not refundable, we had no choice but to go any way. As it turned out he did not go to PIR because of the issues I explained but we did get to see him for 2 hours thanks to a lt and a relations officer. It was just luck. I was told this never happens. We did get to see the PIR at the chapel but it was not the same since our son was not among the graduates. I write this to you so you don't get possibly upset because you get your tickets too early. IF you do then get the refundable ticket and if something should occur then you will be able to reschedule your flight plans accordingly and you wont loose your money by having to cancel or reschedule.  We didn't have this information but experience by us will save you folks some disapoinment. Hotel reservations can be changed, airline ticket not so. They would not give us a refund and we had to use those tickets if not to PIR then we had to use them by 1 year!! but they would not give us our money back because we did not get the REFUNDABLE tickets. I hope this helps. I expect your daughter will do well and you wont go through what we did. Just because we did not get refunable tickets. (I' m just saying)

Alvin Moore said:

My daughter is going on her 3rd week.  She is in DIV 948 and is expected to graduate on 10/7.  We have already made hotel reservation and are looking into plane tickets.  We cant wait to see her and hear her voice.  We haven't received any call or mail from her since the 1st night.  Between her mother, her stepmother and myself we send her a letter every day.  My wife had read somewhere that they look forward to letters from home because it helps with the homesick.  It has helped me as well.

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