Navy Dads



Navy Boot Camp: Questions & Answers to what your Sailor will be doing at Recruit Training Command (RTC) Great Lakes, IL.

This Support Group is for Families & Friends with Recruits attending Navy Boot Camp.

Members: 1842
Latest Activity: Sep 16

Boot Camp Forum, Helpful Links and Videos

No More "Sailor in a Box" - From RTC- Posted 5 Sept 2019

Attention families and friends of RTC: Previously, upon arrival to boot camp, recruits would box up their civilian belongings and ship it to their choice of destination. Our new procedure now has those boxes being stored locally and will be returned to the recruits the day before graduation. The new procedure went into effect this week beginning with Div. 409 in Training Group 52.

U.S. Navy Acronyms

OK- When is PIR and What Is Their Mailing Address?

Something you should know about ADD and ADHD 

Moment of Truth - First week of Boot Camp

Complete List of Navy Boot Camp FAQ's - Need to Knows

A run down of how the divisions are formed

Pass in Review Dates - Dates for Upcoming Graduation Ceremonies

RTC Facebook Group Photos

Contact Your Sailor - RTC Division Addresses -RTC Ship/Div Addresses

Bootcamp Weekly Training Schedule - Follow Your Sailor's Training

Recruit Division Command Structure - Division Recruit Command Positions

Bootcamp Videos - Several Videos about Bootcamp

Return To Bootcamp Videos - Series of Videos from All Hands TV

Captain's Cup Competition - Final Competition between Divisions

BattleStations 21 - Videos and Infomation about BattleStations

Navy Lingo & Slang -Learn to speak their Language

Navy Enlisted Ratings- Navy Job Descriptions

Boot Camp Checklist - Items you can and cannot Bring to Boot Camp

Being Paid While in Boot Camp - Yes, you get paid in Boot Camp!

A MUST Read for All New Navy Parents - Bootcamp....and how it changes your recruits!

Small Arms Training and Qualification OPNAV Instruction 3591.1F

Current Weather Conditions at Recruit Training Command - Great Lakes, IL

Pass in Review Group- Tips, Hints, & Help for Navy Graduation



We talk about Holiday Routine at Boot Camp - here's the skinny

Sunday/Holiday Routine allows recruits to attend religious services and observe Federal holidays. From 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. recruits are able to: attend religious services, read and study, hygiene, perform uniform upkeep, write and read letters, or clean their rack and personal locker.

Important RTC/PIR Changes

RTC is making important changes to polices regarding PIR Guest Access as well as Bag Checks and Restriction Policies. Take the time to read thru these and be prepared when you head to Great Lakes for PIR.

Discussion Forum

DEERS question

Started by David M. Cleland. Last reply by David M. Cleland Jun 15, 2022. 4 Replies

Hype man?

Started by Skip. Last reply by Tracey McCoy Aug 9, 2021. 2 Replies

January 15th

Started by Mike Cunningham Jan 21, 2020. 0 Replies

804, 805, 806 Division address changes

Started by Lanny DeVaney Dec 18, 2019. 0 Replies


Started by Catherine Gleeson. Last reply by NavyDads Admin (Paul) Sep 10, 2019. 1 Reply

Comment Wall


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Comment by Gingerman357 on December 20, 2009 at 7:19pm
I'm watching "Meet the Natives," on TV. Five guys from the Island of Tanna in the S. Pacific. They are on a peace mission to the U.S. Many years ago, they were a people at war, until a man they call "Tom Navy," came to the island and showed them how to live in peace. It was the end of WWII, and the Navy had driven the Japanese off. He taught them a bit about the U.S., and gave them food and cargo. Tom Navy told them to live in peace, and left money and a promise to come back.

They heard that America was fighting a war, and so they're looking for Tom Navy to help spread the word of peace that he gave them; if they can't find Tom Navy, they are to tell the President that peace is the most important thing.
Comment by Gingerman357 on December 20, 2009 at 7:18pm
Mark, I haven't played that piece. Usually I played the Sousaphone, but Tuba in orchestra and concert band. 40 years ago, three of us decided we'd tease the Salvation Army lady at the open mall, and so we took our instruments, Tuba, Trombone and Sax, and stood off to one side and played Christmas Carols. thought it was a big laugh, until she started crying in gratitude. He felt 2 inches tall, and went up there every afternoon and played for her while she rang the bell.

I played in the band at the National Soldiers Home in Wash. D.C. We mainly played funerals, wearing a WWI Blue dress uniform and marching behind the casson. The first funeral I played, I found this nice small horn, easy to march with, thinks I. It sounded horrible. I couldn't make a good note the whole way. The conductor said," You know that's an E flat horn, right? Anyway, looking good is more important, they're mainly deaf." It was a great gig.
Comment by Jim Butler on December 20, 2009 at 4:34pm
We had a great call with Chris yesterday, about 45mins. His mom and me are both still amazed at the change in our son after only 3wks. He is much more articulate and seems to actually think before he speaks now :)
He is no longer MAA...said he got said it was a sucky job because a few people who don't "get it" made his life hell. He also said he was the 3rd MAA since they started, and that was just 2wks ago.
He sounded great, his head is on straight.
One thing that was hilariously funny...when he processed through MEPS Boston, they checked his BMI...21%. Chris is 6'1", and ran the Boston Marathon for the first time this year, finished in 4:25. When he got to GL, they checked his BMI again, and told him it was 28%, then sent him to a nutrionist (the kid eats almost nothing but salads and fresh fruits), and put him on a "heart healthy" program. After a week, they checked his BMI again, this time he was at 21%. They congratulated him on an amazing turnaround for converting all that fat to muscle in just 1wk!!!...we laughed pretty hard over that one.
He also said he thinks they're going to get another chance to call, either Christmas Day or Christmas Eve, unless the division really screws up.
Also said that their division seemed to be having a rough time coming together as a team...said that a lot of kids don't seem to want to be there.
Comment by MarkM on December 20, 2009 at 3:27pm
Steve, have you ever played with Merry Tuba Christmas?
Comment by MarkM on December 20, 2009 at 3:25pm
Steve, my son is a tuba player and will be performing at PIRs as part of the 900 division. His high school marching band won the national championships 2 years in a row and he marched with a DCI Drum and Bugle Corps, Jersey Surf (even though we live in Maryland). So he has lots of marching experience. He is playing a Sousaphone at BC, which is a first for him.
Comment by MarkM on December 20, 2009 at 3:23pm
Ahh, the racks. I remember when they installed those on my ship. The mattresses are 2.5" thick and lay on a springs. Once you get used to them, its hard to sleep on a regular mattress. They are great for the back, too.

Glad she is doing well. The joint punishment is part of the team building that is being done. If one screws up, they all pay.
Comment by Bob Kline on December 20, 2009 at 12:50pm
Oh, and P.S., she really hates what they did to her hair!
Comment by Bob Kline on December 20, 2009 at 12:46pm
Merry Christmas! We finally got a letter from Rosie yesterday. It looks like things got off to a so-so start. She made a mistake stenciling her uniform right in front of the Chief and got yelled at for that. Somebody screwed up and the whole division had to do punishment PT. Their Chief gets mad at them if they smile and probably the worst of all she had to clean the head without gloves as the only pair (!) had been destroyed because they had been used to clean up blood from someone's cut earlier.

On the other hand she said the E-2 exam was a breeze and the RDCs aren't so bad for people who have to be mean all the time. The food is OK (although not as good as Dad's home cooking) and she really enjoys marching (double !). She gets on well with her rack-mate and, as uncomfortable as the racks might be, she especially likes the chances she gets to sleep.

All in all, I suspect her experience so far is fairly typical of most new recruits. They say that the first three weeks are the hardest. I can hardly wait to see her in February at PIR once its all over.
Comment by Gingerman357 on December 20, 2009 at 12:28pm
I saw someone out there said that their son is a Tuba Player. Me too. Hate seeing 'em used for decoration in restaurants, when I could be oom-paahing away on it.
Comment by Gingerman357 on December 20, 2009 at 12:26pm
Anyone out there with Sailor in Ship 12/Div 083?
Just wondering

PIR scheduled for 2/12/10


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Blog Posts

Phishing for Info

Posted by Michael J Conway on April 18, 2023 at 4:08pm 0 Comments


Posted by Joseph Hernandez on January 28, 2023 at 11:54am 1 Comment

Before A School

Posted by Philip Steinert on January 2, 2023 at 2:10pm 2 Comments

My little sailor

Posted by william joseph wolfcale on December 3, 2022 at 4:08pm 2 Comments

my dad skII Wolfcale

Posted by william joseph wolfcale on December 3, 2022 at 4:00pm 0 Comments

Off to A School

Posted by Michael J Conway on November 13, 2022 at 9:55pm 1 Comment

Son leaves for San Diego

Posted by Jeff J Sperekas on June 25, 2022 at 7:33pm 1 Comment


Posted by John W Hensman on October 9, 2021 at 4:21pm 0 Comments

Form letter

Posted by John D O'Rourke on September 16, 2021 at 5:58am 2 Comments

Boot Camp

Posted by Mark F Durovka on March 22, 2021 at 8:46pm 2 Comments


Posted by Thomas ODonnell on January 10, 2021 at 3:00pm 7 Comments

Bittersweet Happiness

Posted by Jim Lisi on December 13, 2020 at 1:21pm 3 Comments

Pride and Honor

Posted by Elliott Peigen on September 7, 2020 at 9:56am 2 Comments

Introducing Myself

Posted by John Lillyblad on March 18, 2020 at 4:38pm 5 Comments

Mail problems

Posted by Fernando Bolano on March 17, 2020 at 2:36pm 3 Comments

SHIP 06 DIV 100

Posted by Chris Koning on February 9, 2020 at 3:54pm 0 Comments

Ship 10 Div 114

Posted by Mike Cunningham on February 3, 2020 at 2:15pm 1 Comment


Posted by Mike Cunningham on January 15, 2020 at 1:23pm 2 Comments

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