Navy Dads

Mr. Sailorette's Blog (14)

The Boyfriend of a Girlfriend in the Navy: And Our Paths Align?


Boot camp is over. The experience we had in post PIR liberty was priceless and quite comforting.  There have been differences during this period even at a far. The muted communication gave a synthetic stress like no other. Differences did occur and have only become partially resolved, mostly by concession. We are in love. Are we in love with the idea of being in love or is it the real deal?

I figured I would not end the relationship or permanently engage during this…


Added by Mr. Sailorette on November 21, 2011 at 1:14am — No Comments

The Boyfriend of a Girlfriend in the Navy: PIR,Getting Through 67 Hours of Emotion on 6 Hours of Sleep.

The Boyfriend of a Girlfriend in the Navy:  PIR, Getting Through 67 Hours of Emotion on 6 Hours of Sleep.

*Spoiler alert! If you read all the way to the end you will find a happy ending.


0430 Woke up for work

1130 Get the sailor call. Nice to talk to Sailorette, but we all knew she would make it, no surprise there.

1730 Left work early to head to airport. There are only 2 Nathans hot dogs in Phoenix. I’m so looking forward to a Philly and lemonade…


Added by Mr. Sailorette on November 11, 2011 at 9:00pm — 1 Comment

Sometimes its not whats said, but the way its delivered.

We’ve all read the bumper sticker, “If you can read this thank a teacher. If you can read it in English thank a soldier.” This idea and common belief probably deserves a closer look.


What do soldiers protect? A language? Religion? “Freedom?” Oil? The list goes on and on. This statement speaks to a popular form of “American values.” And, is probably worthy of further thought.


Preserving culture and language is an interesting discussion. Arguments could be made…


Added by Mr. Sailorette on October 30, 2011 at 9:30am — 14 Comments

What I have Learned About Letter Writing

Sailorette called Things are going well. The service isnt what she expected and she maintains a couple weeks could be shaved off of boot camp. She says there is ample "study time" I think that means time with nothing to do. 


She said getting lots of letters is awesome. Some people get a fistful every day. Some get little to none. One girl has gotten 1 letter from her boyfriend in 5 weeks (I think we know where this is going). Sailorettes grandmother and myself are the only…


Added by Mr. Sailorette on October 24, 2011 at 10:00am — 4 Comments

A post I found on Facebook

The night before the burial of her husband 2nd Lt. James Cathey of the United States Marine Corps, killed in Iraq, Katherine Cathey refused to leave the casket, asking to sleep next to his body for the last time. The Marines made a bed for her, tucking in the sheets below the flag. Before she fell asleep, she opened her laptop computer…


Added by Mr. Sailorette on October 17, 2011 at 9:40am — 3 Comments

A new letter

Yay! I got another letter today. what a treat, I wasnt expecting it. Sailorette is doing well. There were complications when they pulled her teeth but she says its no big deal because the pharmacy is like a Pez dispenser.

I cant wait till PIR. I am going to carry her around and cover her with hickeys!. I cant wait!

Added by Mr. Sailorette on October 15, 2011 at 10:43pm — 1 Comment

8. The Boyfriend of a Girlfriend in the Navy: Whats Left?


    I found no one online in my situation. I wrote the first handful of blogs and posted them on my own web site. I emailed someone I know that served a full career in the Army. His response was “keep writing.” So I did. I found this site and thought people here would have some knowledge and input into these thoughts, and feelings.  I figured it would be therapeutic and the advice would be helpful. I am reasonably good at picking out advice even if its not right on the…


Added by Mr. Sailorette on October 14, 2011 at 12:14am — 5 Comments

7 The Boyfriend of a Girlfriend in the Navy: Listening to a Society of Strangers


I realize my point of view may not be common among this community. Do I think I am in the right place? Yes. I am no different than many others on the edge of becoming part of the military family. New members are filled with questions. I have asked many of the same questions in the context of my own point of view. I know other people have the same concerns and we need a place to go to get answers from people that have been through it.


In my situation, the answers I…


Added by Mr. Sailorette on October 13, 2011 at 5:51pm — 5 Comments

6. The Boyfriend of a Girlfriend in the Navy: No One Said it Was Easy



I am finding some people confuse honesty with selfishness. When I say this I am not solely speaking about the reader.  The author is culpable in the same sense. Through much thought I have learned not all are cut from military cloth. Discerning this is the core function of boot camp. True these men and women are learning to become soldiers. The challenges they face test physical and mental capability, but those are not as important as the quality they truly test. They are…


Added by Mr. Sailorette on October 13, 2011 at 1:34pm — 1 Comment

5. A Boyfriend of a Girlfriend in the Navy: The Trials


Is the military for every one?

I love my girlfriend and want to be with her. The more I learn about the military the more I believe it may not be a good fit for me.


When your girlfriend joins the military she belongs to them. You can choose to be a part of that system if you like.


Things I am having a hard time with. She is in boot camp and this is stressful to me for a verity of reasons. These are soldiers they work closely together and the…


Added by Mr. Sailorette on October 11, 2011 at 12:30pm — 11 Comments

4 The Boyfriend of a Girlfriend in the Navy

The responses


So far the feedback I have received to my thoughts has been mixed. Here is the funny thing. The mixed responses I am reading are not between posts but within posts. Put in another way Joes comment does not conflict with Jims, rather Joes conflicts with Joes. For example, The response generally starts off with me being selfish, then concludes by saying some of these things are not easy.


I have had no one in my immediate life go through this. This…


Added by Mr. Sailorette on October 10, 2011 at 8:59am — 1 Comment

2 The Boyfriend of a Girlfriend in the Navy: The Saga Continues

Pt 4
Soul searching

What is important to us?
When I met her she moved to the city to go to school (a second school for those counting). She later changed her mind, and decided she wanted to join the military. The following are my opinions. I recognize they are my opinions and not fact. Perhaps our opinions right,…

Added by Mr. Sailorette on October 8, 2011 at 12:55pm — No Comments

1 The Boyfriend of a Girlfriend in the Navy


Pt 1
I think it is different for Boyfriends or husbands of military folk. We worry about much of the same things in a different way. When you look online moms seem to get the most support, and probably a close tie with wives. There are few of us men with our partners in the service. I think there maybe…

Added by Mr. Sailorette on October 8, 2011 at 12:54pm — 4 Comments

3 The Boyfriend of a Girlfriend in the Navy: The Letters

The Letters.
            I have written about every other day, and received no reply. Everyone gets frustrated with this. Im the type of guy to worry about things I have no control over, and not worry about the things I do. I am getting a lot of studying done, but I should be doing much more. Instead, I dwell on my partner being…

Added by Mr. Sailorette on October 8, 2011 at 12:30pm — 6 Comments


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Phishing for Info

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Before A School

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Off to A School

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Son leaves for San Diego

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Form letter

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Boot Camp

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Bittersweet Happiness

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Pride and Honor

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Introducing Myself

Posted by John Lillyblad on March 18, 2020 at 4:38pm 5 Comments

Mail problems

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SHIP 06 DIV 100

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Ship 10 Div 114

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Posted by Mike Cunningham on January 15, 2020 at 1:23pm 2 Comments

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